
Sunday, 19 April 2015

Changing the world: Be Brave * Be Truthful * Be Me

Crazy how a week can slip by so quick (read: how I don't seem to have time for anything at the moment). I started this last Sunday I think and haven't gotten to finishing it 'til a week later. Sigh. Ah well, seasons seasons seasons, right? Anyways...

Last week I went to the E-Campaigning Forum conference, held in Oxford. In Keble college to be precise. It was quite strange being back in Oxford, having lived there as a teenager, but with a crowd of people I didn't know and to realise I hardly know anyone who lives there now. It was also surreal to be served meals by staff in the grand college hall - having spent years working as a waitress in similar settings in colleges all over Oxford. Funny how life goes, hey?

I'd not been to the ECF conference before and didn't really know much about it. Other might define it differently, but from a newbie my understanding is that the ECF community includes campaigners, fundraisers, activists and organisers who are trying to bring about change in the world primarily through Digital means. Some are doing all of those things and others are experts in one particular area. There were people representing big and small NGOs and charities from all around the world. There were data scientists and hackers and film makers and people who work at Digital agencies (like me).

Friday, 3 April 2015


Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world,
It is never any more than a grain of wheat
And the code for a new crop
Can't be realised

Every seed is a miracle
The plan for a forest
Hidden in such an unassuming shell
And whether buried with tenderness
Or discarded and forgotten
Always the possibility of life
then, bursting forth