
Saturday 21 June 2008

results day! (not mine)

everyone did really well... 2.1's pretty much all round and a couple of firsts. amazing! i helped celebrate with champagne and strawberries curtesy of the university, then burgers and an samba band (see clip) and later on much tasty food and some wine with old housemates and 'associates'.

Then a few of us went dancing. to the place that without fail has an empty dancefloor when we walk in and a very random selection of people... (the giraffe-suit guy was there but this time in a metallic all in one suit) but always ends up being fun. I went with Jo, my housemate from first and second year and partner in dancing crime to all kinds of different nights, me in my blue coat and Jo in her red, where we've attempted to copy the general style of dancing then given up and continued in our own unique 'enthusiastic' style. Last night some girls asked if Jo had any pills. That kind of jumping around arms flailing enthusiastic. Love it! But it's been months since i've gone out and i'm quite unfit! But yeh it was a good way to end - JO-KaT dancing and then the walk home through the lanes in the rain.

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