
Friday, 16 January 2015

Happy/tasty/inspiring things to begin the year

In attempts to keep the Winter blues at bay, and not get overwhelmed by dark mornings, snotty noses, tax returns, cold, money stresses and the like....

Here's some things I'm thankful for so far this year!

A surprise gift in the post with a lovely card from a lovely friend that I get to see soon after a long time.
Way to make a girl feel special!

Pretty colours on my leg

Eating a bit more healthily: cutting down on junky stuff and buying a few treats like this!

Skype, and seeing beautiful smiley one-year-old-daughters of good friends

The series we're watching at the moment :-)

I think it's quite cool that Green Party membership has now surpassed that of UKIP and the Lib Dems (and that I get to do some creative work for them as part of my job... can't say I expected to be getting into politics, but it's all getting quite interesting!)

Community and creativity in Penzance on a Sunday afternoon

More soon, aim is to keep on being thankful, and the more you do it, the more you remember :-)

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